it's important for those survivor who lost in the jungle/forest.
they depend on it(just like water)for survival besides food.
they have to collect before sun evaporate them.
and they have to conserve for the next 24 hours till they collect another round.
they have to drink bit by bit through out the day and make full use of it.
without it,they will die of dehydration.
but when rescue came for them,
they actually forget about the deeds and don't appreciate a single bit that the dew had done for them
the sun,is the enemy of the dew which evaporate them.
the dew,is the love ones for the survivor.
the survivor,is the one who don't appreciate it when rescue came.
i'm just like the dew.
when someone needs me,they find me.
and when another person come to their life,
they totally forget about me and lead a happy life.
they don't know how much effort i put on them
and none of my deeds they actually appreciate.
oh yeah,
i'm sure assuming things isn't wrong.
im sure expecting things isn't wrong either.
so don't blame me if i assume or expect things,
because it's normal for us,
to expect and assume things.